Saturday, April 25, 2015

Observation 5 You Can Only Win The Game If You Know The rules

Life exists by way of processes - made up of countless series of events and issues which has beginings and endings. All human living his or or life for the first time and not informed of the rules in this game of Life. Hence life is a challenge. Most human are ignorant of the rules even when the game is over. Due to this ignorance, we live life the wrong way. Unless and until the realisation that we have live life the wrong way will we then try to live life the right way. Only when we are able to recognise and try living life the right way, will we able to see how we had lived life the wrong way.
One of the rules in the game of Life is All Things Are conditioned.  Everything that happens is governed by the law of condition. All that happened in the past were due to the fact that all the conditions were there for the events to take place. And everything that takes place in the future is also subject to this law. In understanding the phenomenon of all things happening due to conditions, we must not confuse it with fate or destiny.
Life can be viewed as a boat ride going down stream along the river. Only one direction. Hence we cannot turn back the clock. Hence we can only get older. We negotiate and navigate at every part of the profile of river to avoid rough water or dangerous river bed. We are able to look back at the profile of the river that we have travelled but we will never know the parts of the river that we have yet to travel. Hence future is uncertain. Certain stretches may be smooth and scenic, while other stretches may be filled with obstacles. Sometimes the entire cross section is rough.
In life, we have to first do what is humanly possible to avoid providing all the right conditions for the unpleasant to happen. However, if after all that is humanly possible has been done, and yet the unpleasant still surfaces, ( the analogy of the entire cross section of the river is rough) then we should submit ourselves to the law of condition. By allowing the boat to drift, we have ignorantly assumed that life is fated.
All conditioned things happened in the form of a process. A process is defined as something that begins, exists and ends in relation with time. Human life is a process, is an accumulation of conditioned processes undergone by the human mind and body mechanism for a duration of some twenty something thousand days. Pleasant processes will starts, exist and end.  First until,  the same applies to the unpleasant.
Things do not happen for a reason. On the contrary,  only when all the required conditions or reasons are therefor something to happen, then it will happen. By nature, a vast majority of humans are not aware or blind towards this rule. This ignorance is analogical to a blind doesn't know that he cannot see.

Observation 4 It's Neither Half Full Nor Half Empty. It's Half A Glass

Some people like to argue that the situation is half full while others may choose to perceive the situation as half empty. Both the half full or half empty perceptions are only apparent truth. The ultimate truth is that the glass is half - filled. Similar to music and noise. The ultimate true nature of music and noise is that they are both sound.
Living daily lives, good news and bad news are information. In this instance, one must be able to distinguish the difference between apparent truth and ultimate truth. While music and noise are apparent,  ultimately they are both sound. Some argue half empty while others prefer half full, ultimately it's half a glass. Both good and bad news, are just information that we have to face and live through it.
While the earth is real, the man made world is apparent. There are some 7 billion humans on earth. This is ultimate truth.  The apparent truth would be there are 7 billion person of different races from different countries,  practising different religions. One of the way to distinguish between the ultimate truth and the apparent truth is using the way nature take its course. Here the wind blows, when the sun shines on the earth, when natural catastrophe strikes, it does not recognise or discriminate based on nationalities or beliefs.
Cheese and chilli are just the way they are. Some people like cheese while others cannot stand it. Cheese and chili are neither good or bad. In the context of choosing a way of life, very much like taking chili.  You can choose to take chili and be reminded that there will be a sensation on your tongue.  There is nothing good or bad about the sensation. Some likes it and some doesn't.  The ultimate truth is that cheese and chili is a form of food and has their own unique taste and smell. Similarly , a scene with trees, flowers, rivers and lakes backed by mountains can be perceived as peaceful and beautiful by some,  whilst skyscrapers would probably amaze the bushmen. When the scenery is per even as beautiful, we have derailed from the ultimate truth. Because the trees, rivers, flowers and mountains are just the way they are, so are the skyscrapers. They are neither beautiful nor ugly, they are neither good nor bad. We are mindlessly caught in endless struggles in the world of likes and dislikes within the sphere of conceptual truth. In essence, nature only recognises the fundamental essence of all things as they are, without judgement,  preferences, differentiation or discrimination.
Life is a riddle. If you ever find the answer, it may turn out bitter because it is just some twenty something thousand days. It may turn out sweet because you know.
One who has never woken up will not be able to realize the difference between being awake and being asleep. Not knowing the ultimate truth, on will only gave the ability to see and live in the apparent truth, consequently being ignorant of the difference between the two. Nature does not recognise apparent truth.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Observation 3 Heaven And Hell Are Only Assessable By The Mind

Heaven and hell are places with no locations. And they are only assessable by the mind. Life is not a dream. On the contrary,  when the mind leaves the body it then goes into dream state. When the mind experiences sweet dream it's heaven. Hell is when the mind is having nightmare.

Observation 2 There Is No Purpose Of Life

If we are here for others, then there is no reason for others to be here.Being helpful, compassionate,  kind is a way of life. Like Mother Teresa, like Gandhi,  Aldof Hitler, Sidharta Gautama , Lee Kuan Yew. They chose to live the way of life lived by them. Some of them may or may not, consciously or otherwise realised they are living the life they chose. But the bottom line is it was not the purpose of their lives.
Mother Teresa chose a way of life derived from compassion towards the needist.  Gandhi chose a way of life based on human rights and equality and strive to achieve the situation based on non violence. Sidharta Guatama chose hus way of life to share his wisdom with suffering humans hoping human will live life in a less suffering way. Mr Lee Kuan Yew chose his way of life to make good Singapore.They did not come to the world with the purpose. They were not sent here with respective purposes to make a difference to the world. It's was the way of life they chose which they can choose otherwise.

Observation 1 Every Human Life Averages Some Twenty Something Thousand Days

If we measure or try to estimate our lives by the years, carelessly we will just live through them without realising our remaining days are getting shorter. It is because of this carelessness that we live as if death is still far far away from the present you. This perception is so very damaging. Only when we are in our dying bed that we realise we should have lived differently. We should have realised the not so distance death. Knowing the remaining days are numbered,  we might have chose to live life in a right way. The thing is one will never know the right way to live unless you realise you have been living in the wrong way. Realisation of living life the wrong way is the prerequisite condition to live life the right way.