Saturday, April 25, 2015

Observation 5 You Can Only Win The Game If You Know The rules

Life exists by way of processes - made up of countless series of events and issues which has beginings and endings. All human living his or or life for the first time and not informed of the rules in this game of Life. Hence life is a challenge. Most human are ignorant of the rules even when the game is over. Due to this ignorance, we live life the wrong way. Unless and until the realisation that we have live life the wrong way will we then try to live life the right way. Only when we are able to recognise and try living life the right way, will we able to see how we had lived life the wrong way.
One of the rules in the game of Life is All Things Are conditioned.  Everything that happens is governed by the law of condition. All that happened in the past were due to the fact that all the conditions were there for the events to take place. And everything that takes place in the future is also subject to this law. In understanding the phenomenon of all things happening due to conditions, we must not confuse it with fate or destiny.
Life can be viewed as a boat ride going down stream along the river. Only one direction. Hence we cannot turn back the clock. Hence we can only get older. We negotiate and navigate at every part of the profile of river to avoid rough water or dangerous river bed. We are able to look back at the profile of the river that we have travelled but we will never know the parts of the river that we have yet to travel. Hence future is uncertain. Certain stretches may be smooth and scenic, while other stretches may be filled with obstacles. Sometimes the entire cross section is rough.
In life, we have to first do what is humanly possible to avoid providing all the right conditions for the unpleasant to happen. However, if after all that is humanly possible has been done, and yet the unpleasant still surfaces, ( the analogy of the entire cross section of the river is rough) then we should submit ourselves to the law of condition. By allowing the boat to drift, we have ignorantly assumed that life is fated.
All conditioned things happened in the form of a process. A process is defined as something that begins, exists and ends in relation with time. Human life is a process, is an accumulation of conditioned processes undergone by the human mind and body mechanism for a duration of some twenty something thousand days. Pleasant processes will starts, exist and end.  First until,  the same applies to the unpleasant.
Things do not happen for a reason. On the contrary,  only when all the required conditions or reasons are therefor something to happen, then it will happen. By nature, a vast majority of humans are not aware or blind towards this rule. This ignorance is analogical to a blind doesn't know that he cannot see.

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